Saturday, June 20, 2009

wonderful week!

Such a good week!
First week of summer school done
(large, but good class),
Allison and Matthew
gave Cyndi her 2nd grandbaby,

(I like to think of
Alexandra Victoria
as my grandGODchild!),
Jack's 8th birthday,
Grace's birthday coming up,
Edwin staining porch,
and don't think I did any major damage
when I fell!
All is good!

Monday, June 8, 2009

".....spread money, like manure, encouraging young things to grow."---Dolly Levi in the musical "Hello, Dolly!"

As the school year comes to a close, thinking about some wonderful things in Hobart. In addition to moving into the new school building, it has been exciting watching some changes in the city I call "home."
The Frey brothers expanded from just Dairy Queen
to bringing new entertainment with the purchase of the Art Theatre.
Mike and Melinda Reinhart's M & M Productions became a venue for live theatre and original films at their Center Stage Studio Theatre.
The loss of Hobart Furniture was the catalyst for Tom Coster to help revitalize downtown with his Brickworks Brewery.
Eric Morgan's Critical Effects continues to grow
as one of the few gaming venues in our area.

All of these young ventures have HOBART HIGH SCHOOL alumni heading them. These young men and women have returned "home" to continue the "hometown pride" instilled in them.

THESE are the bricks that build our community.

In "Hello, Dolly!" Dolly Levi says that she likes to spread money like manure: encouraging young things to grow.

It's our responsibility to fertilize their endeavours!