Friday, December 3, 2010


If you have been NEAR a newspaper, television, or radio, you have no doubt heard that public schools are in trouble! "What kind of trouble?" you ask. Test scores are down; AYP is down; funding is down. And you have probably heard many remedies for these problems -- from remediation, teaching the test, paying for grades, replacing administrators, firing teachers, cutting programs......
None of these ideas is popular; maybe they would work; maybe they won't. As a 38-year veteran employee in the public school system, I offer yet another radical, and probably unpopular, suggestion to help improve our schools:
Now, you might be surprised how many school employees do NOT live in the school district they serve. It seems logical that the superintendent, administrators, teachers, secretaries, aides, custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and so on SHOULD live in the community that provides their paychecks. The School Board members are required to live in the district they serve; the kids are required to live in the district they attend; the parents have to PROVE they live in the district. I LIKED living in my community; I liked going to the grocery store and knowing the clerks; I liked knowing the neighbor kid was in my 2nd class; I liked being able to ask the mom next door if her child was feeling better; I liked watching a potential gang fight end because the students recognized my car coming around the corner [of course, me waving and saying, "Hi!" to the "gang members" by name defused some activity!]
Living in the community meant that MY tax dollars were paying for MY school; it meant that I cared what the building looked like; it meant that I COULD run home at lunch and get the paper I left on the table; it meant that if I couldn't get to school in the snow, no one could; it meant that the boy across the street could run over and get help on the worksheet due tomorrow and stop worrying; it meant that the parents knew that this teacher would NOT do ____ or say ____.
Of course, it also meant that I lost a little privacy [when my parents came to visit, I wouldn't get the six-pack of beer they'd drink over the weekend for fear of someone seeing me at the liquor store, even though I was 2x the legal age to buy beer!]
And the kids lost a little privacy. It was hard for one who had missed school "sick" to be outside riding a bike after school knowing I would see him or her. But I also knew if he or she had been up half the night after the ambulance took grandma to the hospital and, I could be a little lenient about the paper that was due.
Chicago Public Schools require that their employees live within the city limits. Can you imagine if the Hobart teacher who lives in Valparaiso had to live in Hobart or lose a job? There would be A LOT fewer empty houses in Hobart! He or she would be helping the economy of Hobart. He or she would probably shop in Hobart. He or she would probably spend money in Hobart. And if a teacher has a school-aged child and lives in another community, what message is being sent? The school you teach for is not good enough for YOUR child? We often hear that
I would want it to be MY village.


Sometimes we have to be happy with SUFFICIENT. It's hard, but we're busy, we've got so many things going on, and we can't do it all. No one is perfect, so if sometimes what you did was SUFFICIENT - be satisfied with that.
I've learned that it's OK to ask for help; a "B" is NOT a bad grade; the pie crust can be tough; the turkey is good dry; the laundry can stay in the dryer. My mom said it was easier to clean when she didn't wear her glasses; I think she was on to something! My grandma made biscuits out of a can; she said someone else worked hard enough getting them in there. She was a feminist before they were called that! She told all us girls to make sure we had our own money, use cake mix, and vote! She voted the first time women could and every election [except one - she gave birth to my mom on an election day!] after that!
I was on the Dean's List; one semester, I wasn't; I was still a good teacher.
Kiss and hug the babies [no matter how old they are; no matter if they're fur babies] and get our priorities straight! ♥
Remember BEES achieve the impossible! Aerodynamically, they should not be able to fly--their bodies are just too heavy for their little, gossamer wings--but they DO fly! THAT'S why I always wear one! ACHIEVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DAILY - bees do - so can YOU! BUZZ! Now that I’m retired, I don’t have to “Achieve the Impossible” – I get to fly free like a butterfly!

Friday, November 26, 2010




































Saturday, November 13, 2010

NOVEMBER 13, 2010

Nov. 14, 1997 - I was scheduled to go to a conference, so wasn't at school in the a.m. Cyndi called me around 7:40 a.m. wondering if I knew where Sharyl [Mitchell] was - she wasn't at school and had not called off. I walked straight to my hall tree, removed a set of keys [which I had no idea was there], and headed to Sharyl's apartment. As I got to the steps, I froze and had Mrs. Carpenter go with me [she lived downstairs from Sharyl.] Sharyl had died sometime during the night.

Always remember to think before you speak! Cleaning out Sharyl's classroom for her mother was one of the most difficult things I had to tackle at HHS. I noticed that her voice mail light was blinking; for some reason [again unknown] I tried a password and there was a message from another one of her friends from the night of the 13th: "Hey, have you left school yet or are you at home dead?" TOTALLY stopped me in my tracks. Yes, unfortunately, she was.

Now, everyone knows 13 is my favorite #. To honor the 13th anniversary of Sharyl's arrival in heaven, I'm asking for some help from some of you. Sharyl was an AVID doll collector; she got me into some doll collecting, although my collecting was more specialized: historical theatre-oriented; dolls from shows I did; special things for me. ONE of the things I have always resented was that Sharyl really wanted the kids to have some of her things. [She used to tell Allison, Megan, and Leanne to put their names on what they wanted.] Because of her untimely death, that didn't happen. I do NOT want to repeat that someday [and I don't want Sharon and Jackie to have to "deal" with it either!] I want to have the joy of giving mine away!!!!!

This is where YOU come in! My nieces and great-nieces have taken all they want [and the accumulated dust] so now it is YOUR turn! I have some Pierrots, clowns, different time periods, some angels, stuffed animals, collector items -- and I WANT TO SHARE THEM! WITH YOU and your kids! There are a couple I specifically want people to have [Melinda - Cinderella, Fairy Godmother, Solo-in-the-Spotlight Barbie; Leanne - Teacher Barbie; Taylor and Andi - mice] and some that some of you specifically want. Bring a box, bag, sack and get over here! First come, first serve -- and BE GREEDY! I cannot tell you the joy I had when little Mary had an armful and kept saying, "I'm taking these home!" GIVE ME THAT JOY, please! And you with boys: yes, you, too -- at 16, Bryan never saw a doll who's eyes opened and closed [I reminded him that he had "dolls" - G.I.Joe - and he told me that THOSE ARE "FIGURES" - eyes are painted on!] So you with boys need a couple, too, so they KNOW.

I AM VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. Get over here and wipe me out. I'm trying so hard to "de-clutter" and this would make me very happy! I am NOT being "maudlin" or dying -- I just know this will make me very happy -- and it IS all about me! Pass on to people I don't have e-mail for who should have (Steve's girls; Kriste -- Amy and her girls; anyone I'm missing.) I'm here most of the time, so just call, come over, scoop, and run! [942-0057] LET'S HAVE SOME FUN WITH THIS, PLEASE! (Megan - can you yank for Allison and Alex, too?)

On this, the 13th anniversary, remember, there ARE angels watching over us! The keys on the hall tree; Mrs. Carpenter going with me; password for the phone. Make sure everyone knows you love them!


Saturday, October 16, 2010


When I retired, I knew that one of the hardest things for me would be not knowing any of the students in a few years. It dawned on me that the Class of 2012 would be the last group of students I would have taught. One charming young lady in that class has made a special effort to "keep me connected" -- Alley Banks keeps me up on the "scoops"; she delivers things back and forth to me; she makes sure I still feel a part of things at HHS. [My "Lungs for Lissy" T-shirt, my Yohan silly bandz, my ticket for the Murder Mystery were all handed to her to deliver and get the $$$ for without her even knowing the arrangements had been made!] It probably helps that she is a "second generation" baby for me [I had her mom a couple of years back] and she is a theatre person, too!

Today, she told me that the saddest thing happened to her. Some kids were talking at rehearsal that I was planning on attending the Murder Mystery. One of the freshmen students asked,


Alley said she almost cried. But, in true "I-got-your-back spirit," Alley retorted,


Gotta' love that girl!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.

For a veteran teacher of SPEECH and THEATRE, I'm really basically shy! I have trouble "reaching out" in new settings and with new people. Part of the reason is the fear of rejection; part of the reason is fear of the unknown; part of the reason is fear of failure; part of the reason is lack of control! I TOTALLY want to try new things, make plans, get excited, and then panic! Generally, if I just "follow through," I have very good experiences and think how stupid I had been to be fearful.

Personally, I believe these fears are what made me the compassionate teacher I tried to be. Not only did I understand the fears, I lived them. I was fortunate to have had college professors who encouraged me to become the high school teacher I didn't have.

Now, in retirement, I'm trying to face, and control, new fears! Again, I am fortunate to have met some very encouraging new friends and continue with help from some old friends! I'm working on moving those feet! And the Lord is guiding them -- helping to get those butterflies to fly in formation! THANK YOU, Sharon, Cyndi, Lin, Lisa, Jeanne.........and all of those who have helped make me the person I am!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

missing my friends

I think I understand kids who go to school and do nothing;
I sure do miss the social aspect of school.
I miss seeing my friends!

Don't miss the grading,

the "policing,"

extra duties,
[maybe I DO miss the extra duties!]

getting up early!

Yes, I think I DO understand kids who go to school and do nothing;

I sure do miss the social aspect of school. I miss seeing my friends!

Don't miss the grading, policing, getting up early!