Friday, December 3, 2010


Sometimes we have to be happy with SUFFICIENT. It's hard, but we're busy, we've got so many things going on, and we can't do it all. No one is perfect, so if sometimes what you did was SUFFICIENT - be satisfied with that.
I've learned that it's OK to ask for help; a "B" is NOT a bad grade; the pie crust can be tough; the turkey is good dry; the laundry can stay in the dryer. My mom said it was easier to clean when she didn't wear her glasses; I think she was on to something! My grandma made biscuits out of a can; she said someone else worked hard enough getting them in there. She was a feminist before they were called that! She told all us girls to make sure we had our own money, use cake mix, and vote! She voted the first time women could and every election [except one - she gave birth to my mom on an election day!] after that!
I was on the Dean's List; one semester, I wasn't; I was still a good teacher.
Kiss and hug the babies [no matter how old they are; no matter if they're fur babies] and get our priorities straight! ♥
Remember BEES achieve the impossible! Aerodynamically, they should not be able to fly--their bodies are just too heavy for their little, gossamer wings--but they DO fly! THAT'S why I always wear one! ACHIEVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DAILY - bees do - so can YOU! BUZZ! Now that I’m retired, I don’t have to “Achieve the Impossible” – I get to fly free like a butterfly!

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