Friday, November 21, 2008

Let go; let God!

I finally paid attention to everyone's advice. I have been completely consumed worrying about "THE MOVE" to the new building. Living with box after box; trying to keep classes going; figuring when I will have the chance/time to unpack before dedication ceremony; gathering rest of stuff; and on and on. PLUS the things Sharon and I are trying to get done at home has meant little sleep for the past few weeks.
Sharon, Amy, Bryan, Cyndi, Crissy, Kriste, kids at school -- all keep telling me, "It will get done."
And then a miracle happened.
My student assistant has packed up 50 or so boxes; Jennifer came in when she had a sub and cleared out the closet; when I had training, Jennifer cleared out summer school/freshmen English things; today, Kaylee and Kelly spent two hours after school and boxed up all my Challenge books.
I am soooooooooo blest in sooooooooo many ways.

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