Early in February, Bryan and I spent several frightening days waiting for Sharon to recover from E.R. trip that included some nightmare moments. After Sharon's recovery, Jackie spent most of the second half of February living the same nightmare in Indianapolis with Mom. At the same time, Cyndi was waiting for the delivery of her first grandchild (a delivery at Northwestern Hospital that was meticulously choreographed with an immediate trip to Children's Memorial Hospital.)
On February 25, God opened a window as He closed a door. In the afternoon, Bailey entered into this world and made her first trip to CMH. In the early evening, Mom left this world. (I find comfort in thinking that she asked God to let her go and spend the extra time with Bailey.) After SEVERAL months in CMH's neo-natal ICU, heart surgery, oxygen therapy, and LOTS of prayers, Bailey continues to grow, thrive, and celebrate her FIRST BIRTHDAY today!