Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Epiphany! (or Wise Guys Rule!)

I've always been a fan of Epiphany (the day the Magi - Wise Men - brought gifts to the baby Jesus) and when I first moved to Hobart, my best friend's (Cynthia Lach) mom gave me a set of Wise Guy candlesticks. I cherished those candlesticks until they finally crumbled. I never put up a tree - just the creche, camels, and Wise Men. (When I was a "new" teacher, I would travel to family over the holidays and never wanted to take down a tree when I returned; we were usually back in school when Epiphany rolled around, so it wasn't depressing to leave the camels and Wise Guys up.) And then Cyndi "clinched" the day for me - she had Leanne on January 6th - making HER the best Epiphany gift! I've always been blessed with enjoying other people's children and Leanne has a special place in my heart. So I send the GIFT of LOVE to all today! Happy Epiphany - share the present!

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